The Virtual Gastric Band - Clinical Hypnotherapy
Sharon Herd - Clinical Hypnotherapist & Master NLP Practitioner
Do you struggle to lose weight ?
Do you feel like you have tried every diet going ?
Maybe you lost weight in the beginning only to put it all back on again, once the holiday or the wedding was over.
You know exactly how to lose weight but for some reason, you don't have the motivation to start or to keep it going.
Then let your frustration end here !
Are you ready to unleash your inner confidence and become the best version of yourself ?
Do you want to live a life where you radiate self-assurance and feel incredible in your own skin ?
Are you up for losing those pesky pounds and embracing a healthier more enjoyable lifestyle ?
Are you excited to be able to wear whatever you want ?
and are you ready to feel happier, more in control, sleep better, feel more confident?
Then step into the world of possibilities with the VGB program and get ready to transform your life !
What is it ?
Pioneered in the UK by Sheila Granger, The Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Program is a remarkable, safe and non invasive system designed to change the way you think about food.
It is not a diet !! nor does it evolve shakes, calorie counting or endless hours at the gym.
It works by using the power of Hypnosis to retrain your mind to be satisfied on smaller amounts of food.
Initial trials in the UK showed positive results in the 24 out of the 25 people that participated and as a result of this success, clinical trials are currently being negotiated with the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. This groundbreaking system is having great success across the UK, USA, Canada and Australia.
Current research is showing that even a weight loss of 5% can have significant health benefits to the body such as reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, lowering Cholesterol and decreasing blood pressure. My clients that have undergone the program also report that not only do they feel more confident, now they have lost the weight but report to having more energy, sleeping better and just happier in general.
How it works
The Virtual Gastric Band is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to retrain your mind to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food. It changes how you think about food and gives very safe, very predictable results. The clinical hypnotherapy convinces the brain that the stomach is full after a certain level of intake and that there is no need for more food.
It is most definitely NOT a diet – we know that diets only work in the short term. The Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want, but will help you to intake smaller portions and, because it’s not a diet, you won’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry, the issues which cause diets to fail. As The Virtual Gastric Band effectively negates these issues, you are left with a long-term solution to your weight problems.
The medical procedure reduces the physical size of the stomach, and may achieve the same result, however, The Virtual Gastric Band can be undertaken quickly and privately, without the lengthy delay of hospital waiting lists, and of course carries no costly invasive surgery, no risks and no ongoing medical treatment. What if you could get the same results at a fraction of the price !!
A Virtual Gastric Band is like ‘flicking a switch in the brain.’ It changes a person’s attitude towards food and helps them regain control over cravings and bad habits. Feedback shows increased willpower and no need for the person to deprive themselves of the foods they enjoy.
On average clients lose 2-3 kilos in the first week, followed by 1 kilo per week thereafter
The Program
The program consists of 4 sessions, usually a week apart. The first is a 60 minute consultation followed by three 30 minute sessions.
In the first, the Gastric Band is Hypnotically installed, it works because your mind can't tell the difference between what is real or what is imagined. You will also receive a download after the first session that you listen to each night, this reinforces all the new patterns and behaviors that are being constructed. You will need to listen to the recording each night until your desired weight is reached.
This is not a group program, nor does it consist of a restrictive eating plan.
My clients have tried every diet ! they know diets work as long as they stay on them. However, they don't address their behaviours nor beliefs held around food . So the results generally don't last.
This program is designed to put you back in control !! and most importantly be sustainable . The VGB is designed to retrain your mind to think and feel differently about food and to start you on the path to a fitter, healthier, happier future that you truly deserve ! Just by making a few small realistic changes each day.
Sessions are available both in person at the beautiful Bournville Health Hub or via Zoom both work exactly the same and are equally effective.
Your investment is 447 GBP payable in full at the first session.
What is Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can be described as mediation but with a goal attached. It is a natural occurring state that we all go in and out of every day. When we are in this relaxed state our unconscious mind becomes heightened and more susceptible to the suggestions given, enabling change.
What does it feel like
It feels vaguely familiar to countless other moments in your life where you were absorbed in a zone, lost in thought, enthralled by bliss, or perhaps simply meditating. The depth of a hypnotic trance varies, it can be very light or extremely deep, depending on the work that is being done. Majority of clients find it to be a deeply relaxing process.
Who can be hypnotised ?
You can ! Everyone can, all that is needed is a desire for it to work and for change to take place. Most clients find it deeply relaxing. It is not advised for those with epilepsy or a diagnosis of psychosis
Will I lose control ?
No, absolutely not ! You are always in control. No hypnotherapist in the world can get you to do something against your morals or beliefs and depending on the work being done you won't reveal anything that you don't want to . All hypnosis is self hypnosis , my job is just to guide you in to a hypnotic state, when you are in a hypnosis your unconscious mind is more receptive to the suggestions that help you most.
How many sessions is it and how much
The program consists of four session all taken within a 28 day period. The intial consultation is 60 minutes, followed by x3 30 minute sessions conducted weekly.
Sessions are either in person at the beautiful Bournville Hub, Birmingham or online .
You will receive a set of guidelines, which contains the powerful hypnotic recording that you will listen to throughout the program plus a printable weight tracker, all designed to support you in your goal.
Cost for the program is 447 GBP, payable in full at the first session.
About Me
Sharon is an exceptionally qualified and experienced hypnotherapist having helped thousands of clients over the past 10 years using the power of Hypnosis and NLP.
She holds a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, is a Master NLP Practitioner and Rapid Transformational Therapist . She has been lucky enough to train with some or the world's best in Hypnotherapy and NLP. Training in London as a Master NLP Practitioner with its co-founder Dr. Richard Bandler and the world's number one Hypnotherapist Paul McKenna. Also Hollywood's super coach Michael Neill and John La Valle, one of the worlds most respected corporate consultants.
Whether you're looking to improve your health, boost your confidence, overcome addiction, or achieve any other personal goal, Sharon is here to support you every step of the way. She believes that everyone has the potential to live their best life, and is committed to helping her clients unlock their full potential and create the life they truly desire.
Sharon's ultimate love is travelling and hopes to do more of that now things are returning to normal.
As it stands Iv'e lost 31.5kg. I have created life long habits that I haven't been able to do for 33 years !
This means more to me than losing the weight .
I am so thankful I walked into your office that day
Kat x
I went to see my diabetic advisor this morning and she said she could not believe the results. My sugar levels are down and I am only using one needle per day. Your program has been the best thing I have ever done.
Thank you
I don't have cravings anymore. I feel happier and healthier. I exercise everyday and I actually look forward to it.
I can't thank Sharon enough
I previously lost a lot of weight with another hypnosis program. However, it had a restrictive eating plan attached which was hard and similar to one I had already done called the HCG diet. I did lose weight but have since put it all back on with interest !
So I was sceptible about trying hypnosis again.
I am so glad I did ! I finally feel like I am incontrol. My portions have reduced and I no longer feel like I am thinking about food all day. The support from Sharon has been amazing . Best descision I have ever made
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Sharon Herd © 2020